hello everyone!! guess what.. i stayed over at LUCY'S/LUCIUS' house ytd night!! so fun.. went for crosslink 1st.. and then went to his house.. talked abit about camp.. but the girls did almost all the planning.. i got bored.. so me and elroi went to play ps2!! so fun!! =).. played winning eleven 8 ole mix =).. but im still damn lousy mans.. lost twice 2 elroi beat him once.. so sad =(.. ahahs.. but i had fun!! and i havent been playing much anyway.. watched the FA cup final with elroi and lucy!! but elroi left after the 1st half!! LOL.. so was with lucy HOME ALONE... hahas.. we only did it.. we played winning eleven.. hahas.. anw.. MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB LOST TO ARSENAL ON PENALTIES IN THE FA CUP FINAL!!! FINAL SCORE WAS
4-5 TO ARESNAL... SO LUCKY... PAUL SCHOLES DID NOT SCORE... stupid bugger.. next season.. man utd will own all your asses =).. hahas.. went out after church today!! kim's birthday ytd.. havent gotten anything for her yet though.. played captain's ball after church today.. didnt play well.. tooooo hot.. hahas.. guess what.. i slept around 430 am and i woke up at about 830-845 am!!! so im super tired now.. i havent even started my dnt folio.. the sketching of ideas and stuff.. so dead.. deadline is on tuesday.. see ya'll people!! =)
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Posted by
11:34 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2005
hi everyone.. would you like to know about my PERFECT life... my grades suck. im playing xin wei (capt of sas tennis) for U-16 spex 1st round.. im really so unlucky... anw.. just realized i cant go for the intermmediate camp... and i dont really have a reaction.. somethings wrong with my system i guess.. still having weird dreams/nightmares... its getting scary. watched star wars today.. super over rated.. didnt think it was that worth watching.. was quite boring at some parts.. okay. BYE.
Posted by
12:48 AM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
something's wrong with me
hey.. i havent been sleeping well for almost an entire week now!! i dont know why.. but i feel like im not as energetic or bubbly these few days..and im also quite depressed. and i keep thinking that everyone drifts away from me.. i hope im just too tired and my imagination is out of hand..
aunty louise has left to be with God in heaven now.. so please pray for her family..
i dont think i have much to say.. so all the best for your mid year results.
Posted by
3:47 PM
Monday, May 16, 2005
simone sih
hello everyone!! well.. alot of schools dint have school today.. and my school was one of them/// went to town at about 12+++.. reached there abt 1255++.. and just before i crossed the road to heeren.. guess who was waving at me!! hahahas.. it was all those sec2 bballers + yicong.. so i met yicong, leon, marvin, yao , iggy and jiawei.. not too sure about iggy and jiawei.. cant really rmb.. anyway.. went to flash and splash and guess who i saw!! LYON AND DOMINIC..
C-O-I-N-S-C-I-D-E-N-C-E i guess..hahahas.. and lyon pierced his ear.. dont think he looks good with it honestly.. i wanna pierce another one!! =).. anw.. met simone at cine!! and then we watched a movie... we ate 1st though.. shes super fun to be with!! she hardly stops moving or talking.. and she laughs easily.. AND she ALWAYS gives me that whatever i dont care face!! hahahas.. was really tired after the movie.. so went home about 6 +++... and.. thats all folks.. keep taggin people!! =)
Posted by
11:24 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2005
i think im going quiksilver crazy.. bought quik slippers and a quik handphone strap.. quite in love with it now!! =).. saw this really good looking staff member at the quik shop at ps!! i find him damn handsome lar.. the type girls go crazy over!! plus hes tall... hahhaas.. okay.. im just expressing myself..watched coach carter ytd!! i quite like it!! its another one of those INSPIRTAIONAL movies you just gotta watch.. it makes you wanna strive harder for every goal you have... ive got nth much to say.. and this is a short post. oh.. i got my studded belt too!! super hard to use!! but i love the looks of it!! =).. and i saw some really nice dunks/air force high cut/air trainers and delta forces at leftfoot at heeren!! super chio. super ex.. super no fun! hahas.. okay.. bye people.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, May 12, 2005
FINALLY! mid years over
finally!! the day has come!!hahas!! my mid years have finally ended!! although i screwed up maths,geog,ss and hist i still feel good!! hahas.. so much pressure gone!! now all i wanna do is catch up with everyone whom ive not spoken to for a while =)..
anw... going through the exam is one things.. getting the results is completely different! hahas.
well.. i hope my L1R5 score is less than 20!! hahas.. dint really study much.. so my expectations arent that high.. havent played tennis for 2 entire weeks.. can imagine how louzy i am now!! or rusty or whatever!! =(..
went to town today!! 1st time since a month ago would you believe.. hahas.. bought slippers and more blings!! hahahas.. dont have much to say now.. just that.. er.. hope all you guys enjoy this short period of freedom before... THE RESULTS!! ahhas..
Posted by
5:19 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005
HELLO.. in the midst of mids
hey!! well... only CLB2 CHEM HIST SS AND DNT LEFT... actually.. thats alot... screwed up maths and geog already.. its confirmed.. i better not screw up hist,ss and dnt!!! mans.. anw...
hows everyone been?? barker JUST started their mids.. some pple finished theirs.. and most of them have their last paper this thurs!! DUDE/DUDETTE!!! thats like... 3 days away! i cant wait for mine to end man!! HEY! that rhymes.. english is over already.. now.. gotta do well in CHINA!! =).. having chem and clb2 tml.. kinda excited.. no idea why.. i'll be damn happy if i get a1 for chem!!
other than studies.. ive just got my webcam to work!! whee!!! ahahs.. its been fun.. doing all kinds of things.. shaking my head.. showing every1 my choco pies and wang wang.. ahhas.. all kinds of things.. super lame BUT fun!! =).. havent played tennis for almost 2 weeks now!!
hope i get to at least second round for spex!! =)..
cant wait for jiang to end too!! waste my time mans.. go all the way to bugis... jiang USED to be so fun.. when i still had my partners in crime!! like that micheal person , renfred and MK!! now.. ive only seen MK recently.. not to mention shane too!!JIANG used to be so freaking fun!!! always cracking jokes.. and still can get so high for chinese.. now.. if i dont talk.. the class just talks among themselves.. super anti social.. last time the whole class will be joking happily... things have certainly changed.. gonna miss all the fun/stupid/lame/crappy/boring/memorable times at jiang!! ESP THE FRIENDS IVE MADE!! hahahas... and all the different CHINA TEACHERS geeee... but the location sucks no matter what.. that supid fu lu shou complex.. smells like shit.. looks like shit... AND IT IS SHIT.. ahhahas..
anw.. cant wait cant wait cant wait.. i wanna play soccer again!! i wanna go shopping! i wanna play tennis!! i wanna go catch SO MANY MOVIES!! theres just so much to do!!
MAY GOD BLESS ME WITH GOOD ENOUGH RESULTS!! bye people!! keep tagging!!
and shushu is still damn muscular.. crazy WOMAN.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Thursday, May 05, 2005
hahahas.. im so weird lar... laughing for no reason!! =) anw.. i just realized my batch in SAS is one of the luckiest... wehn we we're sec1... there was SARS!! hahaas.. and we didnt have mid years!! so all we did was... play soccer!! haahas..maybe that was just me and not we.. im not making sense!! hahahas.. had eng paper1 and geog tdy.. i chose the topic 2 for eng... its exactly the same as the one we had to do for hmwk lar! the one me and adam got 21/30!! so i hope i get gooooooood grades... i totally screwed up geog mans.. forgot almost the whole IPO system!! but i managed to recall about 6 steps if im not wrong... and the last qn.. if i wrote: one such country is india.. i would have gotten 1 mark more!! hahas.. hope i get at least 55% for geog... i failed like 2 outta 3 tests!! oh man... anw.. having engp2 and phy tml!! ahahhas.. its time to get 109% for phys again!! hahas. kidding.. i MUST get an A1 man!
kk.. i havent touched my racket for a whole week already!! gonna be super rusty when training resumes!!!
Posted by
8:20 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
hello every1.. had trng last wed and fri.. it was actually just plying matches... round robin.. believe it or not i won!! and i got 10 dollars.. i beat weisong!! hahaas. so happy.. and a few others too... been having fun plying tennis so far.. but fri was the last trng.. so theres no more trng for now.. gotta mug for mid years.. man.. i hope i can get at least 65 for geog n maths n hist n ss.. yeap.. the others arent as difficult as these subjects man..
anw.. if u havent already realized... i changed my blog template!! and dont u love it? ahhahas.. i know.. i know.. i chose what.. how can i go wrong?! ahhahas.. kidding. i dont think i'll be able to blog much after wed.. but i havent been blogging often anw.. so theres not much diff.. kk. i gtg now!! all the best for all ur exams everybody!!
Posted by
10:17 AM