haha ok this is gonna be weird and funny. anyway i slept really late on saturday night/sunday morning. like 3am. and then i really had to take a piss! so i got out of bed at like 430am. and i was super tired and groggy plus my already small enough eyes were barely opened. and then when i was tucking myself into bed again i was shivering. AND THEN i realised i was half naked la (not wearing any top)! haha. usually i wear a t shirt and a long sleeve t shirt and a jumper at home. but that day i wore a turtle neck as well. so i guess it was damn stuffy! haha. so funny anot? or just weird? hahha i find it rather amusing la! and i had no dream. kk other than that my week has been alright. it seems i might be able to do physics still! so i thank God once again. i really need a new bag and a new phone la. my bag is about to die any momeny and my phone can barely receive any reception! good news! my left "shift" key is working again! haha so happy =). now i just gotta do something to the mouse driver. anw i realise what i hate about winter:
1) the toilet seat is freezing cold.
2) my skin dries up real bad and cracks/chaps
3) so hard to wake up in the morning.
4) when you come out of the shower all you do is shiver.
5) my hands and feet are always cold.
6) sometimes its so cold its not funny.
then again i hate hot weather. and i prefer it to be extremely cold and not extremely burning and scorching hahaha. k thats enough. tc guys! love you all! =)
Monday, July 31, 2006
Posted by
11:29 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
the oc
shit man. im gonna cry already the oc season 3 last episode was damn sad la. i wont ruin if for oyu guys but its a must watch. and there better be a season 4. anw i got no mood to talk. im really gonna cry haha. kk ive got so many assignments to do and i still need to study for my probability test which is stupid. of all things probability. how the heck will i benefit from that. sometimes school just isnt sensible haha. kk good news! in about 2.5 years. i'll be in RMIT doing Aviation! thats what i really want la. haha im gone. laters people!
ps: anyone know where to get the lyrics for the mighty to save album? i couldnt find.
Posted by
9:49 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
still thankful
well i certainly wasnt feeling too good in the past week. for a moment or two, i just couldn't put up with all this. thou shall not elaborate. i really thank God for a friend like Lucy/Lucius. we've got so much in common but we are still quite different. without him church would be super boring la. Lucy if you're reading this, THANKS SO MUCH FOR HEARING ME OUT AND SENDING ME THE MIGHTY TO SAVE ALBUM! (if you havent heard any of the songs from the new hillsong album, you better!! its AWESOME!) (especially take it all, from the inside out and adonai!!) okay moving on.. i have so much work to do. but i just have no motivation and im currently not inspired to do anything. and just to make my head a lil bigger... I GOT 94% FOR MY BUSINESS TEST!! haha!! maybe i'll screw the pilot dream and become a con man or something.. then again i dont think i would. ok thats all i have to say.. so till then! tc and study hard everyone!!
ps: Please remove this laziness and replace it with dilligence and enthusiasm. Thank you Lord.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
sick of everything.
sick of school.
sick of putting up with so many people.
sick of the stupid churches i attend.
sick of just everything.
dont bother asking.
im just tired of all this.
i need a day off and a plane ticket to nowhere.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
no good food
after i left sg i just cant seem to enjoy good food. lol.
1) theres no good food to be enjoyed 1st of all.
2) when i came back i had an ulcer.
3) when the ulcer went away, i got a sore throat.
4) just as my throat got more sore, i had a flu.
5) as i get better now, i have a swollened lip cause i bumped into someone while playing soccer.
as you can see, im already so pitiful and now no good food. haha. kk thats all. byebye
Posted by
9:02 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
ok lets see. so much has changed. i 'suddenly' HATE my guardians. HATE my cousins. HATE my school. HATE the church i attend. HATE where i am right now. oh. hold on. i always HATED them! so theres nth new. my bad. lol.. anwyay i really hate my school thats the most important. cause im here to study. bad choice though. bad bad bad choice. and then my guardians treat me like shit. seriously. shouldnt they be labelled ass*#&$% i leave it to your creativity to decide what that says. okok. if you guys havent already foudn out i miss singapore already! and its ONLY 149 days. oh man im gonna die young la. ok i dont have much to say now. so byebye.
ps: Dear Lord, please forgive me and remove this hatred-ness away from me even though it may seem impossible. I also pray that you will grant me extra self control, patience and discipline. Keep all my friends safe and bless them with dilligence. Please take extra care of my parents and tee! Amen. =)
Posted by
7:57 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
my current thoughts: shit la, school tomorrow.
my goal: be positive. if i was in singapore i would have to study my ass off. get white hair, sweat like a pig. and how bad can the school be? at least theres eye candy haha. not that st andrews doesnt have any HAHAHA. i also get to start over again, be the nerd i always wanted to be. get good grades and make my parents proud of me for once lol. even though i live with such undesirable people, its a good time for me to be independent and mature as well as grow spiritually!! =)
my response: siao ah! you think so easy is it? lol. k good night people. im damn tired already. 155 more days!!
Posted by
10:57 PM
Saturday, July 01, 2006
MAN! singapore was damn good la. the 2 weeks really flew past. next time i will not suprise you guys cause i wasted 3 days doing that! haha. anw, i did eat quite alot! altogether i tihnk i ate roasted chicken rice twice, the white one twice as well, punggol or however you spell it nasi lemak like 4 times, my moms kway teoy, carrot cake/chai tao kway twice, chee kueh, the bbq'ed fish, YOSHINOYA lol, prata. and some others. cant remember, do you actually expect me to? haha. other than the food. i got to meet up with pretty much everyone. even though i didnt go out with ALOT of people and didnt see ALOT as well. i got to meet up with enough pple to make my smile a mile wide =). church was alright for the 2 weeks i was there. really miss FMC!! compared to the stupid churches i attend now. i also got to watch alot of movies!! like garfield 2 which was damn stupid, superman, shes the man, just my luck and i tihnk thats it. haha. orchard hasnt changed. other than the fact that the PpLEzx dAtzx ToRkzx LikeZX dIShz aRrZ sTarTingZX toO dOmiNatEzx WoRzx. you get my point.
oh ya i also got a million mosquito bites. and i was sweating most of the time when i was there.lol.
im also proud to announce that I DID NOT BUY ANYTHING! ZILCH/NIL/ZERO!! amazing right hahaha. but there was nothing that nice or worth buying also. but still. its an accomplishment! haha. ok im dead tired now so goooooooooooooooooo night to all you people! take care. and until my next post. LOVE YOU LONG TIME!
ps: thank you guys for making my stay in signapore so AWESOME! eg amos,lucy,elroi... actually all the church people. wait actually everyone la haha
and if you guys are free go watch hard gay on youtube! hahaha.
Posted by
12:11 AM