okay. i have alot i want to say. firstly most of you know that i was sick for a few days in the week. but thanks to Dennis' method of drinking 2 Litres of water i recovered pretty quickly. oh and it was like a fever. and in the midst of me being unwell i had an english sac! (a sac is kinda like a common test or important test) and im so sure i screwed up man haha ive still been getting alot of homework and i have yet to begin haha im gonna fail everything at the rate im going man lol.
anyway on friday after school i like rushed back home and then did all kinds of things la especially arranging my room. i got home at like 345? and i thought i had alot of time before i had to make my way to the city for OCF. but then i went online too and talked to all you lovely people until like 530 haha so i packed all my clothes for the weekend and rushed to the tram stop. and guess what! i got lost again haha but this time i got lost in Burwood not in the city like last week but thankfully i have a pretty good sense of direction and managed to find the train station. i got to OCF at like 730 (it starts at 7. sike.) but it wasnt too bad even though i missed like the entire worship.
anw i felt that the bible study that day was quite good!! so all's good =). soooooo... at OCF i see all these familiar faces like willywei, michelle, tee!, amanda and some other singaporean faces which makes me feel at home!! and after ocf there was supper/dinner. thats about it for fri.
on sat i spent like 2 hours watching popping and crip walk and hip hop dancing videos on youtube. but more of popping which i find totally awesome now!! haha cant really remember what else i did but tee and i went for dinner at this korean place and then walked around the city before heading home. at like 1130 we walked to a friend's place to watch the Man Utd and Bolton game which MAN U DOMINATED! the whole team was playing damn well, especially cristiano ronaldo! haha
and today i went to church and then lunch at a different korean place haha and im now back in my suburb typing this out. oh ya this may seem really random... but...... i enjoy grocery shopping now! like buying breakfast bars, snacks and drinks hahaha and i feel like taking pictures of my room to show you guys how it looks like!! but i dont think i'll get down to it just yet heehee. okay hope everyone had a great holiday even though it was short! have fun in school people! =)
ps: take it from me. do not wave at people that you dont really know. hahaha you'll end up feeling like a complete cuckoo man.
okay im going! take care all. =)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
16th-18th March.
Posted by
6:30 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
is it me or are there alotta march babies? haha i know like at least 20 people born in march man lol. anyway its my long awaited weekend is finally here but its like the end of it now already haha BUT... i dont have school tomorrow!! cause its labour day holiday! so awesome. it'll be like the first day for quite a very long time that i get to sleep in! then again i have to finish reading my english novel which has like 18 chapters but im at chapter 4 hahaha worst part of it is that i have an english SAC on wed about it. i also have to finish my maths homework, finish my chem worksheet sometime in this week, catch up on the physics questions i havent done and theres prolly an assignment i havent completed yet haha anyway i really have no idea what i want to work as next time already. the pilot ambition seems like a dim memory now la. then again i have like 1.5 more years before i have to decide! right now i guess i have to do all my homework and study hard! so guys, please continue to nag at me and tell me to do all my work!! i need to be motivated to study all over again man haha. okay i better get going! have a great 1 week break guys!!
ps: thanks for helping me with my maths Lucius Lee AND Eliza Soh!! haha and im sorry if ive been annoying you by asking so many questions haha!
Posted by
3:46 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Okay, I think I'm fine la. Guess what, I have more homework! YAY. Don't you love to be surrounded in piles of homework? I think its one of the pleasures of life! Don't ya think? Anyway, my mummy called last night and she told me to start looking for a plane ticket back to Singapore! But right now, I don't feel like going back already even though I really want to see my awesome friends! Then again, I'm pretty sure I'll be going back in June cause I think I'll be burying myself if I decide not to. But since its not confirmed yet, keep praying ! =) I'm gonna go for a short run now and then do all my work tonight! And all the best for your posting tomorrow guys!
Posted by
5:44 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
My life is starting to seem like a draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. i really dread getting out of bed between 730-740am every morning. when i go to school i do so much work in class and i get so much homework. this is just nonsense la. im in melbourne and im doing more work than a singaporean student. no point studying in melbourne already mans. so basically im miserable. all of you will say orh come back in june la. i mean i definitely want to but my hol only starts on the 29th of june which means everyone will be back in school. and im not sure if i can skip school and even if theres nothing important going on in june at school my mom says i shouldnt skip. what could be worse? but the sight of all my lovely church friends will definitely bring a smile to my face no matter what la. so i really must pray that i go back in june. i dont know how much longer i can cope up with this homesickness and stress man. someone mail lucius lee wei de over here please. or elroi ng yu kwong. the only thing im happy about is that im 179 now. and its no biggie. someone send me a nice slow song please. something that soothes or has really nice lyrics. listening to home by michael buble really does not help. anyway i'll just leave you guys with this:
You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Someone rescue me, please.
ps: remember to send me a nice song okay! email it to me or something. and yes, i still love all my friends. =)
Posted by
12:46 PM